Let’s Get Woodsy™
The 100 Day King
Winner of History Channel’s ALONE Season 7

It’s Official!
I’m the winner of Season 7 of ALONE on the History Channel!

Featured in the LA Times, CBS, NBC, Chicago Sun Times, Gunpowder Magazine, USA Radio Network, The Cinemaholic and many more!

Making the cut out over 40,000 applicants to the wildly famous ALONE show, Roland Welker was among 10 contestants set out to survive 100 Days in the Canadian Arctic and win the largest cash prize in the show’s history – $1 Million Dollars. In over six seasons, no single contestant had ever last that long until Welker “Got Woodsy,” emulating the old-timers he deeply respects at “Rock House.” On August 20th, 2020 world-wide fans of the show were tuned into watch Roland’s sister, Megan Francis, trek to Rock House and tell him he was the 100 – Day King.
Roland was born in the Appalachian Mountains of Shiloh, PA in October of 1971. Upon graduation from high school he went off to basic training for the U.S Army National Guard where he served three years until becoming restless and decided to make the big move to what he considers “The Last Great Frontier,” Alaska. At 24, he spent his first winter trapping in Alaska, and so began the greatest journey of his calling. For the last 28 years, he has been hunting, trapping, and fishing all over the great land. Currently residing in Red Devil, he is considered the foremost hunting guide in Alaska.
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